Journal Article
[Anonymous] (2011).  Valeurs implicites dans l'enseignement de la génétique humaine dans les manuels scolaires de cinq pays riverains de la Méditerranée. Tréma. 35-36, 8-20.
[Anonymous] (2015).  Teachers’ conceptions of the environment: anthropocentrism, non-anthropocentrism, anthropomorphism and the place of nature. Environmental Education Research. 1-25.
[Anonymous] (2014).  Teachers’ conceptions about the genetic determinism of human behaviour: A survey in 23 countries. Science & Education. 23, 417-443.
[Anonymous] (2015).  Méthode d’analyse statistique exploratoire pour une étude comparative sur les représentations de la démarche d’investigation d’enseignants de collège. Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education. 9(2), 99-114.
[Anonymous] (2016).  Learning density in Vanuatu high school with computer simulation: Influence of different levels of guidance. Education and Information Technologies. 1-18.
[Anonymous] (2012).  Le Monde Cellulaire : 10 modèles pour étudier des processus biologiques au sein des cellules eucaryotes. Biologie-Géologie, bulletin APBG (Association des Professeurs de Biologie – Géologie). 2, 81-84.
[Anonymous] (2014).  Le déterminisme génétique, conceptions de lycéens français et estoniens. Skholê (ESPE Aix-Marseille). 18, 89-97.
[Anonymous] (2015).  Le décloisonnement des disciplines scientifiques et technologique au collège: quels effets sur les élèves?. Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair. 2(1), 148-159.
[Anonymous] (2014).  La construction de la notion de vivant et les jeux de personnages virtuels. Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair. 1(2), 148-162.
[Anonymous] (2010).  Interaction entre connaissances scientifiques et valeurs dans les conceptions d’enseignants français sur le déterminisme génétique de comportements humains. RDST. Recherches en didactique des sciences et des technologies. 1, 241-264.
[Anonymous] (2014).  Démarches d’investigation dans l’enseignement de sciences et de technologie: représentation et appropriation par les enseignants de collège. Skholê (ESPE Aix-Marseille). 18, 121-131.
[Anonymous] (2012).  Creationism and innatism of teachers in 26 countries. Journal of International Network "Education, Didactics, Psycho-Pedagogy", Science & Technology Education for Development, Citizenship and Social Justice (IOSTE-14). 1, 10 pp..
[Anonymous] (2013).  Comparison of French and Estonian students' conceptions in genetic determinism of human behaviours. Journal of Biological EducationJournal of Biological Education. 47, 12-20.
Conference Proceedings
[Anonymous] (2013).  The Influence of the Ontological Status of Student Understanding on Modelling Activities in a Virtual Learning Environment. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. 3, 1175-1181.
[Anonymous] (2013).  Human Genetics in Biology Textbooks: Multiple Representations and Didactic Transposition Delay. ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
Conference Paper
[Anonymous] (2013).  Teachers' understanding of genetic determinism: A comparative study between Sweden and France. ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
[Anonymous] (2013).  Teachers’ conceptions of biological determinism in five countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France and Italy. ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
[Anonymous] (2009).  Les conceptions d'enseignants de 14 pays sur le déterminisme génétique de certaines performances et comportements humains. Actes Sixièmes journées scientifiques de l'ARDiST. 13 pp..
[Anonymous] (2013).  French and Estonian Students Visual Literacy Skills Related to the Modelling Activities in a Web-Based Environment. AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. 3, 1182-1188.
Book Chapter
[Anonymous] (2010).  Teachers’ conceptions on environment and GMO in twelve European countries. Socio-cultural and Human Values in Science and Technology Education. Proceedings of the XIV Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE).. 1418-1421.
[Anonymous] (2013).  Multiple Representations of Human Genetics in Biology Textbooks. Multiple Representations in Biological Education. 147-163.
[Anonymous] (2013).  Influence of visual analysis skills and collaborative work on modelling activities in web-based learning environment. International Conference on computer, Network and Communication Engeneering (ICCNCE). 715-717.
[Anonymous] (2012).  Improving student conceptualisations through manipulation in a web-based learning environment. Leveraging Technology for Learning: The 8th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education. 1, 449-454.
[Anonymous] (2009).  The genetic determinism of human performances. A comparison between teachers’ conceptions in Finland and France. Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives. 459-466.
