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Book Chapter
Chabanne, J-C., Kerby M., Espinassy L.., Terrien P., & Kerlan A. (2017).  How to practically help non specialist teachers to implement various ways to better integrate art education in ordinary classroom practices ? The French program AlféArt, between research and resource. (Barton, G., & Baguley M., Ed.).The Palgrave Handbook of Global Arts Education. 145-156.
Chabanne, J-C., Kerby M., Espinassy L.., Terrien P., & Kerlan A. (2017).  How to practically help non specialist teachers to implement various ways to better integrate art education in ordinary classroom practices ? The French program AlféArt, between research and resource. (Barton, G., & Baguley M., Ed.).The Palgrave Handbook of Global Arts Education. 145-156.
Fauguet, J.-L.. (2014).  La formation universitaire des formateurs en chantier, le cas de l’Afrique francophone : quelques propositions pour des établissements démocratiques performants. (Karsenti, T., Coulibaly M.., Depover C., Fauguet J.-L.., Garry R.-P.., Komis V.., et al., Ed.).La francophonie en question. 420-428.
Fauguet, J.-L.. (2014).  La formation universitaire des formateurs en chantier, le cas de l’Afrique francophone : quelques propositions pour des établissements démocratiques performants. (Karsenti, T., Coulibaly M.., Depover C., Fauguet J.-L.., Garry R.-P.., Komis V.., et al., Ed.).La francophonie en question. 420-428.
Goos, M., Soury-Lavergne S., Assude T., Brown J., Kong C. Ming, Glover D., et al. (2010).  Teachers and teaching: Theoretical perspectives and issues concerning classroom implementation. Mathematics education and technology-rethinking the terrain. 311-328.
Clément, P.., Castéra J.., Laurent C.., Caravita S., Rauma-Kosonen A.. L., Varga A.., et al. (2010).  Teachers’ conceptions on environment and GMO in twelve European countries. (Dolinšek, S.., & Lyons T.., Ed.).Socio-cultural and Human Values in Science and Technology Education. Proceedings of the XIV Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE).. 1418-1421.
Journal Article
Impedovo, M-A., & Khatoon S. (2016).  Becoming a reflective in-service teacher: Role of research attitude. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 41(1), 100-112.
Kloetzer, L., Quillerou-Grivot E., & Simonet P. (2015).   Engaging workers in WRMSD prevention: two interdisciplinary case studies in an activity clinic. WORK : A Journal of Prevention, Assesment and Rehabilitation Work. 51, 161-173.
Danna, J.., Paz-Villagran V., Gondre C.., Aramaki M., Kronland-Martinet R.., Ystad S., et al. (2015).  “Let Me Hear Your Handwriting !” Evaluating the Movement Fluency from Its Sonification. PLoS ONE. 10(6), 1-19.
Danna, J.., Paz-Villagran V., Gondre C.., Aramaki M., Kronland-Martinet R.., Ystad S., et al. (2015).  “Let Me Hear Your Handwriting !” Evaluating the Movement Fluency from Its Sonification. PLoS ONE. 10(6), 1-19.
Assude, T., Koudogbo J., Millon-Fauré K., Tambone J., & Theis L. (2016).  Mise à l'épreuve d'un dispositif d'aide aux difficultés d’un système didactique. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technologiy Education. 16(1), 64-76.
Delserieys, A., Khattak F.. Y., Lewis C.. L. S., & Riley D.. (2009).  Optical Thomson scatter from a laser-ablated magnesium plume. Journal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Applied Physics. 106, - %8 Oct 15 %! Optical Thomson scatter from a laser-ablated magnesium plume %Z J Appl Phys %@ 0021-8979.
Delserieys, A., Khattak F.. Y., Lewis C.. L. S., Riley D.., & Gutierrez J.. P. (2008).  Optical Thomson scatter from laser-ablated plumes. Applied Physics LettersApplied Physics Letters. 92, - %8 Jan 7 %! Optical Thomson scatter from laser-ablated plumes %Z Appl Phys Lett %@ 0003-6951.
Theis, L., Assude T., Tambone J., Morin M-P., Koudogbo J., & Marchand P. (2014).  Quelles fonctions potentielles d'un dispositif d'aide pour soutenir la résolution d'une situation-problème mathématique chez des élèves en difficulté du primaire ?. Education & Francophonie . 42(2), 158-172.
Delserieys, A., Khattak F.. Y., Sahoo S.., Gribakin G.. F., Lewis C.. L. S., & Riley D.. (2008).  Raman satellites in optical scattering from a laser-ablated Mg plume. Physical Review APhysical Review A. 78, - %8 Nov %! Raman satellites in optical scattering from a laser-ablated Mg plume %Z Phys Rev A %@ 1050-2947.
Agorram, B., Caravita S., Castéra J.., Clément P.., Khammar F., & Selmaoui S. (2011).  Valeurs implicites dans l'enseignement de la génétique humaine dans les manuels scolaires de cinq pays riverains de la Méditerranée. Tréma. 35-36, 8-20.
Tsao, R., Kindelberger C., De Freminville B., Touraine R., & Bussy G. (2015).  Variability of the Aging Process in Dementia-Free Adults with Down Syndrome. American Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 120, 3-15.