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Attitude et distance sociale des élèves non handicapés à l’égard de leurs pairs handicapés.
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science. 46(3), 414-426.
(2014). Contraintes de communication et collaboration dans des dyades d'élèves de Segpa.
La nouvelle revue de l'adaptation et de la scolarisation. 66(2), 223–242.
(2014). Favoriser la production orale chez des enfants non-verbaux avec autisme.
26(129), 169-177.
(2014). Fluency and cognitive effort during first- and second-language note-taking and writing by undergraduate students.
European Psychologist. 13, 114-125.
(2008). Notetaking and writing from hypertexts in L1 and L2: cognitive effort and language procedures.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics (special issue on learning and teaching of L2-writing)International Journal of Applied Linguistics (special issue on learning and teaching of L2-writing). 156, 31-50.