

Impedovo, M.A.; Delserieys-Pedregosa, A.; Jegou, C.; Ravanis, K. (2016) Shadow Formation at Preschool from a Socio-materiality Perspective. Research in Science Education, 1-23.
Delserieys, A.; Jegou, C.; Givry, D. (2014) Preschool children's understanding of a precursor model of shadow formation. Journal of Emergent Science, 7, 35-39.
Boyer, A.; Givry, D.; Jegou, C.; Delserieys, A.; Said, F. (2014) Rôle de l'enseignant dans deux séquences d'enseignement fondées sur l'investigation: la flottabilité en classe de cinquième. Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair, 1(2), 96-111.
Delserieys, A.; Jegou, C.; Givry, D. (2014) Preschool children’s understanding of a precursor model of shadow formation.. Journal of Emergent Science, 7, 35-39. Nicosia, Cyprus,
Delserieys, A.; Jegou, C.; Boilevin, J.M.; Ravanis, K. (2013) Efficacité d’une activité didactique sur la formation des ombres à l’école maternelle. Colloque de l'ARCD, Marseille,
Pedregosa, D.; Jegou, C.; Givry, D. (2013) Preschool children understanding of a precursor model of shadow formation. ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning, Nicosia, Cyprus,