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French and Estonian Students Visual Literacy Skills Related to the Modelling Activities in a Web-Based Environment.
AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. 3, 1182-1188.
(0). Formation tout au long de la vie et approche par compétences : Logique de complémentarité ou épreuve de tension.
4ème Colloque International du RAIFFET- Éducation technologique, formation professionnelle et formation des enseignants.
(2014). From upper secondary to further education: European models of post-compulsory learning. . In J. G. Janmaat, M. Duru-Bellat, P. Méhaut, & A. Green (Eds.), Dynamics and Social Consequences..
(ed., P., Ed.). 46-69.
(2013). From task to activity, a re-distribution of the roles between the teacher and the pupils.
(Ginestié, J., Ed.).The cultural transmission of artefacts, skills and knowledge: Eleven studies in technology education. 225-256.
(2008). From art and craft education to design and technology education: a thirty year story.
(Rasinen, A., & Rissanen T., Ed.).In the spirit of Uno Cygnaeus, pedagogical questions of today and tomorow. 169-182.
(2010). Former les enseignants à des compétences tacites? Le cas de situations en éducation technologiques. SIEST Méditerranée.
(Ben Kilani, C., Boilevin J-M., Ravanis K., & Ginestié J., Ed.).Education scientifique et technologique, une éducation pour tous. 17, 191-200.
(2016). Factors Influencing Implementation of Technology-Rich Mathematics Curriculum and Practices.
(Hoyles, C., & Lagrange J-B., Ed.).Mathematics Education and Technology-Rethinking the Terrain. 13, 405-419.