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Filtres: Auteur est Jeziorski, Agnieszka [Clear All Filters]
Etudier les représentations sociales sur des questions liées à l'EDD pour en repérer des obstacles et des appuis dans la formation des formateurs.
5ème colloque international du RIFEFF : La fancophonie universitaire en question, Hanoi (Vietnam).
(2013). Theoretical reflections about education for sustainable develpment concept: Cultural and territorial imensions as social innovations.
European network of Territorial Intelligence.
(2010). Theoretical reflexions about education fos sustainable development concept: cultural and territorial dimmensions as social innovations.
9th international conference of territorial intelligence, ENTI.
(2010). What kind of critical university education for sustainable development? A comparative study of European students and social reprensentations.
Journal of Social Science of EducationJournal of Social Science of Education. 11,