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Teachers and teaching: Theoretical perspectives and issues concerning classroom implementation.
Mathematics education and technology-rethinking the terrain. 311-328.
(2010). Teachers’ conceptions on environment and GMO in twelve European countries.
(Dolinšek, S.., & Lyons T.., Ed.).Socio-cultural and Human Values in Science and Technology Education. Proceedings of the XIV Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE).. 1418-1421.
(2010). Thinking about Technology Education in France: A brief overview and some aspects of investigations.
(Alister, J. T., & De Vries M., Ed.).International Handbook of research and development in technology education. 31-40.
(2009). Training Technology Teachers in Europe: Putting the Bologna process into action.
(Alister, J. T., & De Vries M., Ed.).International Handbook of research and development in technology education. 569-580.
(2009). Teachers’ conceptions of biological determinism in five countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France and Italy.
ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
(2013). Teachers' understanding of genetic determinism: A comparative study between Sweden and France.
ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
(2013). Toward a Multimodal Approach of Science Teaching.
COLLOQUE SIEST MEDITERRANEE TUNIS 2012 Dispositifs, démarches, apprentissage dans l’Enseignement des sciences et technologies. 17, 123-130.
(2012). Training teachers at Aix-Marseille University.
(Bousquet, G., Ed.).Bilateral seminar for educational investigations.
(0). Technology education, French specificities and universal questions.
(Ginner, T., Ed.).Technology education, future and perspectives.
(2009). Theoretical reflections about education for sustainable develpment concept: Cultural and territorial imensions as social innovations.
European network of Territorial Intelligence.
(2010). Theoretical reflexions about education fos sustainable development concept: cultural and territorial dimmensions as social innovations.
9th international conference of territorial intelligence, ENTI.
(2010). Training teachers in France within the LMD structure.
(Bousquet, G., Ed.).International seminar on education.
(2013). Teachers’ conceptions about the genetic determinism of human behaviour: A survey in 23 countries.
Science & Education. 23, 417-443.
(2014). Teachers’ conceptions of the environment: anthropocentrism, non-anthropocentrism, anthropomorphism and the place of nature.
Environmental Education Research. 1-25.
(2015). Technical and vocational teaching and training in Gabon: how future teachers build their vocational identity?.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 22, 399-416.
(2012). Tendances de l'enseignement de l'algèbre élémentaire au collège: atomisation et réduction.
Recherche en didactique des mathématiquesRecherche en didactique des mathématiques. N° Spécial Hors Série, 41-62.
(2012). Territoires et mobilités des entreprises italiennes du système mode.
Entreprises et histoire. 74, 22-36.
(2014). TIC et enseignement de la Chimie : au-delà des discours, quels dispositifs d’enseignement pour quels apprentissages?.
Review of science, mathematics and ICT education. 6, 17-40.
(2012). Toward a new idea of conceptions and conceptual change: the interplay of talk, gestures, and semiotic resources in the setting.
Journal of Research in Science TeachingJournal of Research in Science Teaching. 43, 1086-1109.
(2006). Tracking subtle stereotypes of children with trisomy 21: from facial-feature-based to implicit stereotyping.
PLoS ONEPLoS ONE. 7(4), e34369.