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Filtres: Auteur est Impedovo, Maria-Antonietta [Clear All Filters]
Becoming a reflective in-service teacher: Role of research attitude.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 41(1), 100-112.
(2016). Co-élaboration de connaissances nouvelles : du modèle théorique à ses outils technologiques.
STICEF - Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation. 23, 1-18.
(2016). Learning density in Vanuatu high school with computer simulation: Influence of different levels of guidance.
Education and Information Technologies. 1-18.
(2016). Learning Trajectories and Professional Development: Student Teacher in Electrical Engineering.
Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education. 10(1), 93-114.
(2016). Participating in an international masters programme: impact on agency for African in–service teachers.
Professional Development in Education. 1(3), 1-4.
(2016). Shadow Formation at Preschool from a Socio-materiality Perspective.
Research in Science Education. 1-23.