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Valeurs implicites dans l'enseignement de la génétique humaine dans les manuels scolaires de cinq pays riverains de la Méditerranée.
Tréma. 35-36, 8-20.
(2011). Teachers’ conceptions of the environment: anthropocentrism, non-anthropocentrism, anthropomorphism and the place of nature.
Environmental Education Research. 1-25.
(2015). Teachers’ conceptions about the genetic determinism of human behaviour: A survey in 23 countries.
Science & Education. 23, 417-443.
(2014). Le déterminisme génétique, conceptions de lycéens français et estoniens.
Skholê (ESPE Aix-Marseille). 18, 89-97.
(2014). Interaction entre connaissances scientifiques et valeurs dans les conceptions d’enseignants français sur le déterminisme génétique de comportements humains.
RDST. Recherches en didactique des sciences et des technologies. 1, 241-264.
(2010). Creationism and innatism of teachers in 26 countries.
Journal of International Network "Education, Didactics, Psycho-Pedagogy", Science & Technology Education for Development, Citizenship and Social Justice (IOSTE-14). 1, 10 pp..
(2012). Comparison of French and Estonian students' conceptions in genetic determinism of human behaviours.
Journal of Biological EducationJournal of Biological Education. 47, 12-20.
(2013). Human Genetics in Biology Textbooks: Multiple Representations and Didactic Transposition Delay.
(Treagust, D., Ed.).ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
(2013). Teachers' understanding of genetic determinism: A comparative study between Sweden and France.
ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
(2013). Teachers’ conceptions of biological determinism in five countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France and Italy.
ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
(2013). Les conceptions d'enseignants de 14 pays sur le déterminisme génétique de certaines performances et comportements humains.
Actes Sixièmes journées scientifiques de l'ARDiST. 13 pp..
(2009). Teachers’ conceptions on environment and GMO in twelve European countries.
(Dolinšek, S.., & Lyons T.., Ed.).Socio-cultural and Human Values in Science and Technology Education. Proceedings of the XIV Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE).. 1418-1421.
(2010). Multiple Representations of Human Genetics in Biology Textbooks.
(Treagust, D., & Tsui C-Y., Ed.).Multiple Representations in Biological Education. 147-163.
(2013). The genetic determinism of human performances. A comparison between teachers’ conceptions in Finland and France.
(, & Cakmakci G.., Ed.).Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives. 459-466.
(2009). A gender effect related to teachers’ conceptions on biological gender differences. A survey in 14 countries.
(Hammann, M.., Waarlo A.. J., & K. Boersma T., Ed.).The Nature of Research in Biological Education: Old and New Perspectives on Theoretical and Methodological. 343-360.