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A cognitive analysis of students’ activity: an example in mathematics.
Australian Journal of Teacher EducationAustralian Journal of Teacher Education. 39, 137-158.
(2014). A cognitive analysis of students’ activity: an example in mathematics.
Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 39, 137-158.
(2014). Evolution de la représentation sociale du handicap des collégiens scolarisés dans un cadre inclusif selon des facteurs contextuels.
Bulletin de Psychologie. 4, 279-294.
(2016). Further evidence for infants’ preference for prosocial over antisocial behaviors.
Infancy. 20, 684-692.
(2015). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-70.
(2011). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. On line first, 1-16 %& 1 %7 12/12/2009 %! Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
(2009). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-70.
(2011). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-71.
(2011). Helping pupils to learn more effectively with a cognitive analysis of their activity.
European Journal of Psychology EducationEuropean Journal of Psychology Education. à paraitre, à paraître.
(2012). Infants’ preference for prosocial behaviors : A literature review.
Infant Behavior and Development. 45, 125-139.
(2016). La formation des étudiants de Master Education et Formation à la prise en compe des Besoins éducatifs particuliers. L'exemple de l'IUFM d'Aix-Marseille.
Nouvelle revue de l'Adaptation et de la scolariastion. 55, 75-91.
(2011). Les troubles moteurs chez les enfants dyslexiques: revue de travaux et perspectives.
Enfance. 4, 323-347.
(2014). Misleading face-based judgment of cognitive level in intellectual disability: The case of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).
Research in Developmental Disabilities. 35(12), 3598-3605.
(2014). Music and Dyslexia : A New Musical Training Method to Improve Reading and Related Disorders.
Front. Psychol. 7, 26.
(2016). Rapport aux savoirs sur le développement durable en contexte scolaire: obstacle à la mise en oeuvre d'un agenda 21 en France.
(Pache, A.., Bugnard PP.., & Haeberli P.., Ed.).Education en vue du développement durable, école et formation des enseignants: enjeux, stratégies et pistesEducation en vue du développement durable, école et formation des enseignants: enjeux, stratégies et pistes. 13, 179-199.
(2011). The rise and fall of mathematical enrolments in the French educational system : a case study.
International Journal of Mathematical education in Science and Technology. 40(1), 43-57.
(2009). Tracking subtle stereotypes of children with trisomy 21: from facial-feature-based to implicit stereotyping.
PLoS ONEPLoS ONE. 7(4), e34369.
Fonctionnalisation des connaissances et EIAO : Conception et validation d'un logiciel d'aide à l'apprentissage des mathématiques au collège.
UFR Psychologie et sciences de l'éducation. Doctorat, 209.