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Journal Article
Hérold, J-F. (2014).  A cognitive analysis of students’ activity: an example in mathematics. Australian Journal of Teacher EducationAustralian Journal of Teacher Education. 39, 137-158.
Hérold, J-F. (2014).  A cognitive analysis of students’ activity: an example in mathematics. Australian Journal of Teacher Education. 39, 137-158.
Harma, K., Gombert A., Marrone T., & Vernay F. (2016).  Evolution de la représentation sociale du handicap des collégiens scolarisés dans un cadre inclusif selon des facteurs contextuels. Bulletin de Psychologie. 4, 279-294.
Scola, C., Holvoet C., Arciszewski T.., & Picard D. (2015).  Further evidence for infants’ preference for prosocial over antisocial behaviors. Infancy. 20, 684-692.
Hérold, J-F., & Ginestié J. (2011).  Help with solving technological problems in project activities. International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-70.
Hérold, J-F., & Ginestié J. (2009).  Help with solving technological problems in project activities. International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. On line first, 1-16 %& 1 %7 12/12/2009 %! Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
Hérold, J-F., & Ginestié J. (2011).  Help with solving technological problems in project activities. International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-70.
Hérold, J-F., & Ginestié J. (2011).  Help with solving technological problems in project activities. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-71.
Hérold, J-F., & Ginestié J. (2012).  Helping pupils to learn more effectively with a cognitive analysis of their activity. European Journal of Psychology EducationEuropean Journal of Psychology Education. à paraitre, à paraître.
Holvoet, C., Scola C., Arciszewski T.., & Picard D. (2016).  Infants’ preference for prosocial behaviors : A literature review. Infant Behavior and Development. 45, 125-139.
Mencacci, N., Harma K., Gombert A., Chnane-Davin F., & Tsao R. (2011).  La formation des étudiants de Master Education et Formation à la prise en compe des Besoins éducatifs particuliers. L'exemple de l'IUFM d'Aix-Marseille. Nouvelle revue de l'Adaptation et de la scolariastion. 55, 75-91.
Jover, M., Ducrot S., Huau A., Bellocchi S., Brun-Henin F., & Mancini J. (2014).  Les troubles moteurs chez les enfants dyslexiques: revue de travaux et perspectives. Enfance. 4, 323-347.
Enea-Drapeau, C., Huguet P., & Carlier M. (2014).  Misleading face-based judgment of cognitive level in intellectual disability: The case of trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). Research in Developmental Disabilities. 35(12), 3598-3605.
Habib, M., Lardy C.., Desiles T.., Commeiras C.., Chobert J.., & Besson M.. (2016).  Music and Dyslexia : A New Musical Training Method to Improve Reading and Related Disorders. Front. Psychol. 7, 26.
Lebatteux, N.., & Legardez A. (2011).  Rapport aux savoirs sur le développement durable en contexte scolaire: obstacle à la mise en oeuvre d'un agenda 21 en France. (Pache, A.., Bugnard PP.., & Haeberli P.., Ed.).Education en vue du développement durable, école et formation des enseignants: enjeux, stratégies et pistesEducation en vue du développement durable, école et formation des enseignants: enjeux, stratégies et pistes. 13, 179-199.
Arnoux, P., Duverney D., & Holton D. (2009).  The rise and fall of mathematical enrolments in the French educational system : a case study. International Journal of Mathematical education in Science and Technology. 40(1), 43-57.
Enea-Drapeau, C., Carlier M., & Huguet P. (2012).  Tracking subtle stereotypes of children with trisomy 21: from facial-feature-based to implicit stereotyping. PLoS ONEPLoS ONE. 7(4), e34369.
