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How pupils solve problems in technology education and what they learn.
(Barak, M., & Hacker M., Ed.).Fostering Human Development through Engineering and Technology Education. 171-190.
(2011). How to practically help non specialist teachers to implement various ways to better integrate art education in ordinary classroom practices ? The French program AlféArt, between research and resource.
(Barton, G., & Baguley M., Ed.).The Palgrave Handbook of Global Arts Education. 145-156.
(2017). "Histoire des arts: un nouvel enseignement? Savoirs et compétences mis en jeu, du point de vue des élèves et des enseignants".
3ème colloque international de l'ARCD.
(2013). Human Genetics in Biology Textbooks: Multiple Representations and Didactic Transposition Delay.
(Treagust, D., Ed.).ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
(2013). Handicaps simulés et outils numériques : un exemple d’utilisation en judo.
La Nouvelle Revue de l'Adaptation et de la Scolarisation. 66, 253-268.
(2014). «Handicaps simulés»: un outil de formation.
Les Sciences de l'éducation-Pour l'Ère nouvelle. 47, 11-36.
(2014). Haptic-2D: A new haptic test battery assessing the tactual abilities of sighted and visually impaired children and adolescents with two-dimensional raised materials.
Research in Developmental Disabilities. 48, 103-123.
(2016). On the Hausdorff dimension of exceptional random sets generated by multivariate spacings", Metrika.
7373. 359--371.
(2011). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-70.
(2011). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. On line first, 1-16 %& 1 %7 12/12/2009 %! Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
(2009). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-71.
(2011). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-70.
(2011). Helping pupils to learn more effectively with a cognitive analysis of their activity.
European Journal of Psychology EducationEuropean Journal of Psychology Education. à paraitre, à paraître.
(2012). Hétérogéneité et attentes différentielles: une approche de didactique comparée.
Revue Suisse des Sciences de l'EducationRevue Suisse des Sciences de l'Education.
(2013). Hiérarchie des savoirs et concurrences institutionnelles : la régulation des cartes régionales des formations professionnelles initiales.
Revue française de pédagogieRevue française de pédagogie. 182(1), 19-30.
(2013). Histoire et mémoire du grand Saint-Barthélemy à Marseille. Entre immigration, politique de la ville et engagement associatif.
Diasporas, Histoire et sociétés. 17, 26-41.