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Histoire et mémoire du grand Saint-Barthélemy à Marseille. Entre immigration, politique de la ville et engagement associatif.
Diasporas, Histoire et sociétés. 17, 26-41.
(2011). Hiérarchie des savoirs et concurrences institutionnelles : la régulation des cartes régionales des formations professionnelles initiales.
Revue française de pédagogieRevue française de pédagogie. 182(1), 19-30.
(2013). Hétérogéneité et attentes différentielles: une approche de didactique comparée.
Revue Suisse des Sciences de l'EducationRevue Suisse des Sciences de l'Education.
(2013). Helping pupils to learn more effectively with a cognitive analysis of their activity.
European Journal of Psychology EducationEuropean Journal of Psychology Education. à paraitre, à paraître.
(2012). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. On line first, 1-16 %& 1 %7 12/12/2009 %! Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
(2009). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-71.
(2011). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-70.
(2011). Help with solving technological problems in project activities.
International Journal of Technology and Design EducationInternational Journal of Technology and Design Education. 21, 55-70.
(2011). On the Hausdorff dimension of exceptional random sets generated by multivariate spacings", Metrika.
7373. 359--371.
(2011). Haptic-2D: A new haptic test battery assessing the tactual abilities of sighted and visually impaired children and adolescents with two-dimensional raised materials.
Research in Developmental Disabilities. 48, 103-123.
(2016). «Handicaps simulés»: un outil de formation.
Les Sciences de l'éducation-Pour l'Ère nouvelle. 47, 11-36.
(2014). Handicaps simulés et outils numériques : un exemple d’utilisation en judo.
La Nouvelle Revue de l'Adaptation et de la Scolarisation. 66, 253-268.
(2014). Human Genetics in Biology Textbooks: Multiple Representations and Didactic Transposition Delay.
(Treagust, D., Ed.).ESERA 13 Conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning.
(2013). "Histoire des arts: un nouvel enseignement? Savoirs et compétences mis en jeu, du point de vue des élèves et des enseignants".
3ème colloque international de l'ARCD.
(2013). How to practically help non specialist teachers to implement various ways to better integrate art education in ordinary classroom practices ? The French program AlféArt, between research and resource.
(Barton, G., & Baguley M., Ed.).The Palgrave Handbook of Global Arts Education. 145-156.
(2017). How pupils solve problems in technology education and what they learn.
(Barak, M., & Hacker M., Ed.).Fostering Human Development through Engineering and Technology Education. 171-190.