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TIC et enseignement de la Chimie : au-delà des discours, quels dispositifs d’enseignement pour quels apprentissages?.
Review of science, mathematics and ICT education. 6, 17-40.
(2012). Technical and vocational teaching and training in Gabon: how future teachers build their vocational identity?.
International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 22, 399-416.
(2012). Training teachers in France within the LMD structure.
(Bousquet, G., Ed.).International seminar on education.
(2011). Technology education, French specificities and universal questions.
(Ginner, T., Ed.).Technology education, future and perspectives.
(2011). Training teachers at Aix-Marseille University.
(Bousquet, G., Ed.).Bilateral seminar for educational investigations.
(2010). Training Technology Teachers in Europe: Putting the Bologna process into action.
(Alister, J. T., & De Vries M., Ed.).International Handbook of research and development in technology education. 569-580.
(2009). Thinking about Technology Education in France: A brief overview and some aspects of investigations.
(Alister, J. T., & De Vries M., Ed.).International Handbook of research and development in technology education. 31-40.