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A gender effect related to teachers’ conceptions on biological gender differences. A survey in 14 countries.
(Hammann, M.., Waarlo A.. J., & K. Boersma T., Ed.).The Nature of Research in Biological Education: Old and New Perspectives on Theoretical and Methodological. 343-360.
(2009). The genetic determinism of human performances. A comparison between teachers’ conceptions in Finland and France.
(, & Cakmakci G.., Ed.).Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives. 459-466.
(2009). Gestepro, a research laboratory in science, technology and vocational education.
(Ginestié, J., Ed.).The cultural transmission of artefacts, skills and knowledge: Eleven studies in technology education. 3-6.
(2008). Giving meaning to the use of tools: some elements of discussion about ICT in the French curriculum of technology education.
(William, J., & Gedera D., Ed.).Technology education for the future: a play on sustainability. 173-179.
(2013). Genèse d'un collectif de travail ou l'histoire de son activité productive et créatrice dans la formation à l'enseignement.
Colloque international CRIFPE . Symposium 4,
(2013). Giving meaning to the use of tools: some elements of discussion about ICT in the French curriculum of technology education.
(William, J., Ed.).27th PATT Conference.
(2013). Groupe de Formation Professionnelle Interdisciplinaire et Transversale : Exemple de dispositif de formation professionnelle des enseignants.
Regards des didactiques des disciplines sur les pratiques et la formation des enseignants.